For the pleasure of God

Related imageIn olden days in India, it was a practice at the time of dusk for families to light a lamp and burn incense at their home shrine and gather together to sing the names of God.  Yes, this was our way of life – before television, long commutes, and desire-evoking malls.

Even today, people do celebrate special days with such singing at the time of dusk, and I was fortunate to attend such a gathering a few days ago.  There is something magical to chant together in harmony, surrounded by fragrant incense and flickering lamps.

At the end of the singing, the lead singer spoke a little bit about the auspicious festive day and asked us if we had any questions.

A young man in the front row said, “I try to chant at home as well, but it is hard to keep the mind steady and not go through the prayers mechanically.”

The speaker gave an enlightening answer encouraging him, and one of the things he said was to be determined.

I heard my voice asking, “How to be determined? The world pulls us in a million directions?”

The speaker replied, “Tie your life to God.  Do all for the Lord’s pleasure.  Be it cooking, writing, working – all for Him.  Fill yourself with His presence by thinking of His contentment and joy through your being — how you are and what you do.”

I am happy now, my sweet readers.  I have a polestar for my life – each action, word and thought – for my Divine Beloved’s happiness.

I pray and offer these words at His Lotus Feet.

Please accept my gratitude to you for reading this and sharing this beautiful journey of life. Thank you!

Sri Krishna Sharanam Mama

108 day vow: Day 40




  1. I believe you have a real yearning to connect with the true Divine Presence. My prayer for you is that He will reveal Himself to you in an undeniable way and that you will know him and enjoy a wonderful relationship and friendship with Him.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. My dear blogging friend, you are so, so welcome. I love when I come across God-seekers with yearning hearts.
        Have a blessed day and week ahead! 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

      2. i feel so grateful that you could see my heart – through words and the internet across the seven oceans and myriad time zones – isn’t that a modern-day miracle? 🙂 Love and prayers 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

      3. You are so right – there are no coincidences, only God incidences. 🙂 And what sweeter blessing for us than to live our lives in the gentle breeze of His Grace. Thank you for appearing as such a blessing in my life today. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  2. What a blessing to share our hearts and open them like a series of flowers – waiting for the pure rays of Divine Grace. i feel so grateful for your visit here and your kind words. My prayers for the Lord’s blessings to be upon you – now and always! 🙂


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